
Le Conseil National de Transition Gambien installe son Gouvernement

Mercredi 10 Octobre 2012 Conseil National de Transition Gambien, a tenu un point de presse ce matin dans la capitale parisienne. Selon le communiqué parvenu à notre Rédaction, le Cntg, dans sa lutte pour le départ du Gouvernement de Yaya Jammeh à la tête du pays, a publié la liste des différents ministres du prochain gouvernement de transition. Nous vous proposons ci-dessous les nom des personnalités choisies par le Conseil National de Transition.

Le Conseil National de Transition Gambien installe son Gouvernement
President and commander in chief of The Gambia Armed Forces,
Minister of Natural Resources and Energy:
Mr Sheikh Sidia Bayo
Secretary General Office of the President: Mr Ousman Jammeh
Vice President and Head of Government: Mr Babucarr Jallow
Minister of Defence: Mr Mohamed Kora
Minister of Interior and Home Affairs: Mr Ablaye Sanyang
Minister of Justice, Equalities, Religious affairs and National reconciliation
Lawyer Yankuba Darboe (spokesman)
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs: Mr Suntu Touray
Minister of Agriculture and food production; Mr Falai Baldeh
Minister of Youths and Sports: Mr Sada Njie
Minister of Tourism and Culture: Mr Landing Nyassi
Minister of Media and Communications: Mr Bamba serign Mass (spokesman)
Minister of Local Governments and Lands: Mr Mahawa Cham
Minister of Health, Social Welfare and Women’s Affairs: Mrs Sarata Jabbi
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mr Manding Darboe
Minister of Basic and Secondary Education: Mr Alajie Nyabally
Minister of Forestry and Environment: Mr Abdul karim Sanneh 

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